Thursday 31 May 2018

Paranormal-themed nonprofit hosts ghost tour in Smithfield - Daily Press

Daily Press

Paranormal-themed nonprofit hosts ghost tour in Smithfield
Daily Press
Ray Savino was living next to a cemetery in Pennsylvania when he encountered his first ghost in 1992. He recalled coming home from work to find his windows open, television blaring and other odd things around his apartment. He said he once saw a ...

from paranormal - Google News

The eDNA Hunt Publicity - Loch Ness Mystery

Glasgow Boy seems none too impressed with the recent hoohah surrounding the research project aimed at finding monster poop in Loch Ness.  As interesting as the study seems, he's got a number of solid points that wake us up to the sad possibility that this is nothing more than an orchestrated maneuver by the media. However, as long as no harm is done to whatever lives in the Loch and interest in Nessie is increased, we may as well let the "researchers" have at it. While they're looking at wet dung bits, here's another monster tale that will tantalize your imagination: The Suffolk Sea Monster, seemed to be more of a very large novelty than a beast, with a descriptions from witnesses that read like excerpts from an adventure novel. Nonetheless, it's noted that the area of Suffolk had a long tradition of monster sightings so perhaps we shouldn't be too quick to dismiss reports. One never knows what's pooping in the local waters. (CM)

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Jacques Vallee and the Mystery of the 'Alien Alloys' - Daily Grail

Miguel ("Red Pill Junkie") Romero posts Jacques Vallee's 2017 presentation at Contact in the Desert, and lists the three "most relevant points" from it, which "are very important aspects to consider." He adds in the Comments: "I hate to admit it, but this kind of stuff has made me think again about the idea of crashed saucers, a topic I thought I'd outgrown as I turned my back to the ETH." The cumulative effect of recent revelations seems to be working on Paul Seaburn's mind as well, as covered in Navy Ships Stalked for Days by UFOs. Seaburn is no starry-eyed UFO maven, and when he compares the potential importance of the AATIP documents to the 1970s Pentagon Papers, one has to take notice. Yet the old UFO cases still have importance, as Kevin Randle explains in The Library Fairy: Coyne Edition. Kevin details a chance find that mildly supports the ET theory for the October 1973 Mansfield, Ohio, helicopter-UFO near-miss. There's also a larger serendipitous phenomenon here that many of us have been fortunate enough to experience. (WM)

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The Leka, the Logger & the Manuscript - The Fortean

Back in 1975 something very strange happened in Fiji. A class of schoolchildren happened upon what they claimed were a group of small, hairy men emerging from a large hole in the ground. Historically, it wasn't entirely crazy to assume these beings were Leka, beings rumored to be already populating Fiji when settlers arrived. Nonetheless, several years and some earnest research later, none of the now mature witnesses had much to say about the event, leaving us wondering if the schoolchildren actually saw something in 1975, or were overcome with too much excitement on a hot day. In more unsolved mystery, TCH brings us Sasquatch Classics: The Davy Crockett Incident. We typically think of Davy Crockett as a soldier or politician, even a frontiersman. Witness to a Bigfoot sighting seldom gets added to the list. But six months before the fateful battle that etched his name forever into history, Crockett encountered something large, hairy, and infinitely strange in the wilderness. The fact that it gave him advice about leaving the Alamo behind is puzzling, but it was good and unheeded advice nevertheless. Nick Redfern delves a bit deeper into unknown creatures with “Buckeye Beasts� Reviewed: Bigfoot & Wild Men. He adds to the mystery in a frustrating but necessary way, pointing out that sometimes witnesses see what could be a Sasquatch, but sometimes what they encounter are hairy humans or escaped zoo animals. As always, research requires an objective mind, and lots of details. (CM)

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Erich von Daniken, Star of "Ancient Aliens," Claims in Newspaper Interview That the Media Won't Report Ancient Astronaut...

Jason Colavito reports on a recent German interview done by Ancient Astronaut proponent extraordinaire Erich von Daniken. Most of Von Daniken's opinions were familiar, but Colavito discerned a more than troubling effort to discredit media through using a favorite Nazi slander translatable as "the lying press." Having here noted that von Daniken "is a longtime conservative, and as such, he tends to mirror the worst excesses of the rightwing fringe," Jason continues his attack upon the political right in Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials: The Jason Colavito Review. Whatever one thinks of the rather dramatic first paragraph and occasional related comments during the rest of the article, the whole offers solid reasons for avoiding the book under review. These are additional to the tome's authorship by one whom Jason describes as "the former head of the National Socialist White People's Party, a neo-Nazi," and worse yet. Thankfully, the subject of Jason's Review of "Reign of the Annunaki" by Jan Erik Sigdell doesn't raise Jason's moral hackles so much, but it actually gets a lower rating than the Frank Joseph book. Basically, Colavito sees Jan Erik Sigdell's effort as derivative, simplistic, logically suspect, and, of course, unscholarly. (WM)

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Bigfoot Researcher: MK Davis

Today, I share another researcher I think the world of - MK Davis. He became known in the field of research when he was the first to handle and stabilize the Patterson Film. But, from there, MK has used his astrophotography background to elucidate tiny details from the film to give us the best view of Patty ever, as well as reviewing the video from other researchers, going out into the field in search of evidence, and so much more.

MK's BLOG: The Davis Report
MK's YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Greenwave 2010 FB

MK's motivation in the field research is one of the most noble kind - he's simply curious.  He has spent thousands of hours tirelessly going through video and photographs, creating the clearest image we can see so that we the viewer may decide what is there and if it's of worth. He shares his knowledge at conferences to crowded rooms of other curious minds. 

But it isn't enough that he studies the film, videos and photographs. MK also works with audio files, goes to museums and historic sites in search of ancient mysteries, as well as spending his own money and wear and tear on his own car and legs hoofing it around sites across the country that show promise of Bigfoot habitation and potential evidence gathering. 

MK has worked on historical photographs and colorization, giving the best visual possible of the Kennedy assassination from both films shared by the public. He continues to deepen his study of native culture, historical sites, museums, mounds, you name it! 

When MK puts out a new look at a film or photograph or evidence gathered, I give it the top of my list of attention because I know and trust the source implicitly. 

from Ghost Hunting Theories

I heard voices last night

Hello! This is my first time posting. I work as a security guard, so sometimes I work fairly late.

Last night was no different. At about one am, I was locking a building and felt like I was being watched. For context, the building is by a highway, and a very leafy and full treeline. It's not a large area of trees but they are tall and full, and it has a lot of trees.

I finished locking the building and was preparing to get in my car, and the feeling of being watched changed to the feeling of an immanent attack. Around that time, I heard voices. They sounded like they were from the Treeline.

Inherently, I could tell they weren't human (or at least didn't seem human)

I've had several odd experiences, working as a guard, as well as a house that was infested with shadow people when I was young (7-13), and a few odd experiences throughout my life, here and there.

If anyone knows what it was I may have been experiencing last night I'd appreciate it because I'm curious. It was a full moon last night, I believe. Or at least, the moon was very big. I didn't hang around after the voices. My shift was over and I was out of there.

submitted by /u/mike5201
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from Paranormal

Haunted Locations & Paranormal Reports [CANADA]

This thread will serve as a master list for

Haunted Locations and areas that have reported Paranormal Activity for the summer of 2018 - CANADA.

Add to the discussion! Share your stories, experiences, local lore, and knowledge.
Perhaps you will find other paranormal investigators and ghost hunters in your area.
Don't forget to update us with any findings!


Share your locations and experiences below!

submitted by /u/mrs_mcfly
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from Paranormal

Honestly not even sure what this was, a ghost cat maybe, if there is such a thing?

This happened today, this morning in fact, and I don't have an explanation for it so I'll see what you think. I was doing some work in someone's house, they were out, so it was just me in the house same as it always is when I'm there. Anyway it was very warm so I decided to have a 5 min water break, I opened the French doors and sat down on the step. I was enjoying the scenery and the complete silence (it's in the countryside, no other houses nearby) , and was just about to get up when I distinctly felt something brush fairly strongly against my lower back/hip. It felt exactly like a cat but when I jumped up there was nothing there , the place was completely empty. The owners do not even have a cat, they've a huge dog who is looked after elsewhere while they're at work. So I really don't know what it was !

submitted by /u/KizzyQueen
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from Paranormal

PHOTOS: Unique New Jersey shopping -

PHOTOS: Unique New Jersey shopping
A display case filled with property that once belonged to Dr. James Killian was included in a 2009 Jersey Devil exhibit at the Paranormal Museum at Paranormal Books and Curiosities in Asbury Park. ~File photo. T-shirts on sale at Paranormal Books and ...

from paranormal - Google News

Something is happening with my bed (I’m a skeptic)

Okay so to set the scene. I lived with my brothers and mom for years and there when I had a room to myself my bed used to shake violently. We had a dish washer downstairs (right below my bedroom and directly beneath my bed) and I thought nothing of it, it used to stop me sleeping tho. Me and my brother eventually moved into the same room, my room with the dish washer beneath. He never mentioned the bed moving or that he couldn’t sleep so I’m assuming he didn’t shake. I moved from my mother’s house to my grandparents and my bed still shakes, there nothing in the house that violently vibrates so idk what could be causing it. I mean is something following me and making my bed shake (I doubt it). I the shaking is always around my feet and Ankles I can’t feel it anywhere else the majority of time. However if it gets more violent I can feel it up my back. It doesn’t make any noise though and my mattress is quite noisy. I also suffer from sleep paralysis often and can often have cold patches on my back. This is happening more often as I have nothing covering me during the summer (I’m a pale dude so I heat up quickly).

submitted by /u/kiixran
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from Paranormal

I need some help folks.

Hey there everyone so I have a problem. I have been seeing a dark shadow as well as two other entities for a few weeks now and I need some help. Let's start out with the mean one. So, I was over at my crushes apt and we were having a good time. We were cuddling and stuff In the dark. She got up to use the bathroom and when she came back she had a complete 180 in personality. She seemed distant and mean but also distraught. I was about to leave when I asked her what's going on but she just clutched her head and began muttering a bit to her self. I tried helping her but I seemed like she was gone. Now after a bit she started making gasping/gurgling noises while rocking gently. After a while of me trying to talk to her and comfort her, she fell forward on the bed face down grinding her teeth and growling at me. That's when I looked up and saw it. There was a very large black mass standing at the foot of her bed looking at us and almost ready hung out to her. I could feel just pure hate and sadness within the room now and thinking back, I still feel it but also fear. At the time I did not feel such fear. Eventually she somewhat returned to a healthy state and I left. As I write this, I can see it in the corner of my room and I can feel it hating me. I dont know what this thing is but i have also seen it in my dreams. I need help as to what this thing is. I dont care about my safety, I care about hers more then anything so please, help me. If it helps, it was a full moon and storming when this all happened. Im mostly wondering what should I do to help her as well as myself. Thank you and sorry for poor grammar, new phone and getting used to it.

submitted by /u/p38light
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from Paranormal

Paranormal Cirque brings R-rated circus thrills to Sarasota-Bradenton - Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Paranormal Cirque brings R-rated circus thrills to Sarasota-Bradenton
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Cirque Italia, which pioneered the water circus in the Sarasota area, is back in black — under a dark big top in Manatee County. This time there is no water, but lots of blood. Paranormal Cirque is no ordinary circus. It is not for children. Or the ...

from paranormal - Google News

Vampiric Contact?

I am searching for anyone who has had contact with vampires (or vampires themselves). Im not talking about Psy/Sanguine vampires or the goth community, and Im not talking about vampire bats, leeches, or other blood sucking animals. I do mean the undead/immortals. Yes, Im serious. Please bear with me.

In December of 2007 I was attacked by a vampire. I can go into all the details if it's asked, but for the sake of keeping this to the point I'll just say this. . . By sheer chance I fended him off. He returned 6 months later, even though I was visiting another state. My father was a witness. After this the became a fixture in my life for nearly 10 years . . . and even now I doubt he's forgotten me.

The point is, I've lived with this experience for so long, and it's been very lonely. I am desperately hoping that there's someone out there who has had contact with these beings, or is another survivor, or has real knowledge about them. I know I can't be the only one.

I also know it sounds ridiculous. I expect many people will scoff and laugh. . . but I am telling the truth. I haven't been able to talk about it, and I know even asking here is a long-shot. I am open to discussion but please avoid any "vampires are a myth" comments. . . I've heard it all already. Thank you.

submitted by /u/Passionbrute
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from Paranormal

An Experience I Had When I Was Younger With a Shadow

So there was a lot of support from my last post so I am going to share another experience I had. First a little backstory.

When I was younger I went to a wilderness camp that helped with some trauma I had when I was a small child. On that day a group leader, we will call him Mr. B was on shift. This is important for later. That day was relatively uneventful so when we had our nightly group meeting we were just talking about what we were going to do on our home visit. The fire had gotten pretty low and everybody except me had moved closer. I was sitting against a log and out of the blue I hear a growl, and I feel a hot breath on my neck. I freaked out and stood up and explained what happened but everybody just brushed it off. I eventually settled down and my rational mind told me I had just imagined it. After the meeting I went to bed.

I woke that night which was very unusual because I was always exhausted due to the hiking and all. At night time they put a lantern out in front of all of the tents so we wouldn't run off. The light was casting in but at my doorway there was a figure completely blocking it. I immediately jolted completely awake and I was quiet for a moment. I felt some really bad energy in the air so I was a little spooked. I thought Mr. B was in my tent so I called his name. The figure just shifted and moved slightly closer. At this point I was terrified so I pulled my flashlight out and shined it directly at the figure. I expected it to disappear if it was a shadow but instead of disappearing it absorbed the light. I was really scared so I yelled for the night time group leader and he rushed to my tent. He brought the lantern and when he opened my tent door the figure disappeared. He checked on me and I said I was fine. When he left everything was fine so I just went back to sleep.

This was probably my most direct paranormal experience. I was really freaked out and from that moment until I left I felt bad energy at that campsite.

submitted by /u/Jojikat
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from Paranormal

What does me seeing a orb mean?

A few weeks ago when I was going into my room(my room lights were of and the hallway one was too so it was pretty dark) I opened the door and there was a soccer ball sized orb just in front of my door inside my room and it stayed there for a second or two and then went into the ceiling. The orb was greenish blue but more on the green side. Any help on what it meant is appreciated.

submitted by /u/Argonian_Dock_Worker
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from Paranormal

Out of body experience during sleep paralysis

Sleep paralysis isnt new to me but everytime I ever experienced it, it would always be the same shadow person standing over me. Until the night I had my 1st out of body experience, I watched from my bedroom ceiling my sleeping body being taunted and threatened by a demon. I could feel it breathing on me even being out of body. Should i be worried? Lol 😒 (I have only ever had this paralysis in my old room, switched and now, nothing. i had a good number of paranormal experiences in this house growing up too.)

submitted by /u/Greeneggs18
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from Paranormal

New Apartment Tour!

20-8-5 19-15-14-7-19 1-18-5 1 3-15-14-4-21-9-20 20-8-5-25 1-12-12-15-23 9-20 20-15 5-14-20-5-18 25-15-21

submitted by /u/thedrowningbull
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from Paranormal

6 year old sister told me she "Saw something" I asked what...

I was sat on the sofa which is beside out front door. Like many school day mornings my sister was all ready for the bus and casually walking around the porch enjoying the warmth. I then hear her going up and down the stairs, just out of sight from the door. She then slowly creeps to the door (its only several feet) And, with a serious look She announces "Boo, (me) I just saw something." Mind you, she is six and cannot verbally lie to me without smiling or grinning or running off. She was SERIOUS. feeling usefuly curious i asked WHAT she saw. She was very vague and used her hands like she was holding something, starting them at the screen and gesturing over the edge of the railing. I then began to ask very, very, simple questions. What color was it, "Light" How big was it, At this point she became confused trying to express this, we settled on it having not touched the floor but also was tall. So at this point im thinking she saw some sort of spirit orb. I asked her if when it was there, if she could see the armchair on the porch behind it. (the weather tortured, grandma knitting sort of flower cloth creepy armchair that was here on the porch when we bought the place, ducktape armrests and all) My sister said yes, she could see the Chair. so it was translucent. Then is when the scary part starts. "It had a red shirt" I was taken aback and asked what she had said. "A red shirt, and green pants" At this point im starting to feel short of breath and asked lightheartedly if she actually saw santas elf, she giggled but denied. I asked about its hair. She said Long, she also said it had skin like ours (we are very much beige) and she coundn't settle on a gender. Now im confused. Did my sister see a orb, or a whole body? or both?? The bus arrived as soon as she was done explaining (in much detail for her age) That her friend Jenny used a EVP phone app over at her house and they asked "Are you evil" and the device said "yes" She was looking scared so before the bus came i gave her a very hurried explanation of the difference between good and bad spirits and that the bad ones need somebody to "call them here" She looked satisfied. I explained that she can see them because she is still a kid, and that it is her choice wether she wants to keep seeing them, or to not.

But seriously if i did not handle this situation the right way, or if you have any advice or questions feel free to ask. Im spooked, i havent had my morning coffee. I dont know what a flair for my post is that is another question. Yes, I wrote this article in a extremly "scary story" like context but please understand that Im an author so its hard wired With how fast my brain is moving i cant even type fast enough. this is a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. not of me, but my Sister.

submitted by /u/megagirl567
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from Paranormal

Wednesday 30 May 2018

A Most Enchanted Easter Fool’s Day

On April 1st, 2018 we were cautious while enjoying Easter Sunday festivities as it was also April Fool’s Day. Especially after we had issued an April Fools Easter Alert the day before! On April 1st we generally garner the honor of a visit from The April Fool himself. He’s a prolific paranormal prankster who enjoys embarrassing people whether they simply be supernaturally relevant or pompous asses. In our case hopefully, it’s Mystic Investigations legendary status in the supernatural community. Usually, the Fool mildly vandalizes our website with his goofy content along with personally pranking us. I remember that time he literally turned me into a helium balloon and I floated out the window! It was a shocking and surreal experience! On the lower end of the joke scale, he enjoys teleporting people into crowded area’s completely naked! Our resident demi-mermaid witch Rebecca Abernathy once stepped out of the shower and she was suddenly on Main Street devoid of even a towel!

Since Easter and April Fool’s converged this year both the Easter Bunny and the farcical Fool decided to mystically meld their holidays into one. The Easter Bunny would distribute eggs that weren’t quite what they seemed beside the normal with candy and small gifts. This meant rotten eggs weren’t just for those on the beautiful bunnies naughty list! Hopefully, there would still be eggs containing powers, wishes, and magical objects as well. In unison, the April Fool would work to employ an Easter theme into many of his alarming exploits. Thankfully that meant more bearable pranks for us!

In the morning we attended Easter services at our associate Father Tom’s Church Of Holy Light. He is our exorcist and source of top-flight holy water. Naturally, as usual, we fell asleep in the pews but bolted awake as the Easter Egg Hunt began outside. It was a mild sunny early spring day as we cheered the kids on. Suddenly the Werehare Easter Bunny showed up in his 6 foot tall humanoid furry white rabbit form to give us gifts as a reward for a fine fight against the frightening forces of darkness. Other than us nobody knew his true identity and merely assumed it was a guy dressed up in an ultra-realistic rabbit suit. One way to tell he’s the real deal is the fact that there’s always a group of baby chicks and bunnies following him around. You can also clearly see the sparkling reality in his large eyes that can range from blue to green in color.

The Bunny was far more jovial than usual as he kept giggling like a school girl. He gave everyone at Mystic Investigations an Easter gift basket. My basket exploded leaving confetti and silly string all over me. However, there was some sweet chocolaty goodness at the bottom of the basket. Luckily I wasn’t the person got chocolate cream and pink glitter spattered all over them! The Easter Bunny chuckled and said,”Sorry guys but it’s April Fools Day!” I asked where the April Fool was but he had no idea.

Later the enchanted Bunny invited us back to Easterville, his cloaked village in the Black Forest of Germany. We eagerly agreed since we assumed we might avoid the April Fool. The only way to get to his village instantly was to follow him through his global network of rabbit holes that are in actuality wormholes courtesy of Mother Earth Goddess Gaia. The Easter Bunny transformed to his normal small rabbit form and hopped in. His chicks and bunny helpers jumped in after him. Rebecca conjured up a spell to miniaturize her Mystic Sphere while inside so it would fit into the Easter Bunny’s rabbit holes. So some of us instantly took a trip to his village in the Black Forest of Germany. Nothing new for us here! Rebecca made a point of saying we could only be miniaturized a couple of times a year before it caused bodily damage. So we couldn’t just visit the bunny on a whim!

The village was a fun-filled community of medieval buildings splashed into a kaleidoscope of colors. At the center was a giant egg-shaped castle that was the Easter Bunny’s home and the Capitol Of Easter. The streets were glittering surfaces of varying bright colors that almost resembled linoleum flooring. Even the skies were mystical with pink fluffy clouds courtesy of a magical illusion. Bunnies of all colors, yellow chicks, and kids ran about cheering with glee as their parents looked on. Obviously, these were all people in the paranormal know like us. We enjoyed all manner of amusement rides located about the village including the egg roller coaster. An egg-shaped car rolled on tracks that winded in and around the entire village including underground. Eventually, we retired to Egg Castle for Easter dinner. Amazingly the Demi-Angel Santa Claus, his wife Holly, and their kids made an appearance to pay homage to their good friend Eggbert, the Bunnies real name. As darkness covered the happy village a spectacular fireworks show lit the sky with ecstatic Easter imagery. We then bid the Easter Bunny farewell before popping back through the bunny hole to our home in Woodland Springs, Colorado.

Some of us went to the office to deal with recent pressing paranormal perplexities while others headed home. What we all found was everywhere loaded with crazy bunnies hopping about while rotten eggs rained from the ceiling! The April Fool teleported to each location in his jester costume laughing like a loon while bellowing,”Happy April Fool’s Day! Believe it or not, this wasn’t as bad as what he did to us other years! Thankfully he didn’t touch our website. As usual, everything disappeared and went back to normal at the stroke of Midnight! Well except for when our resident vampire Drake Alexander was teleported buck naked into Times Square New York one second before the Witching Hour! Being transported places doesn’t reverse on April 2nd for some reason? He sped into a subway tunnel at super speed and hypnotized some guy to give him his clothing. Then Drake arrived back home the next day after he caught the first available flight. At least now we have another year before being pranked again!

The post A Most Enchanted Easter Fool’s Day appeared first on Mystic Investigations Supernatural Stories.

from Mystic Investigations Supernatural Stories

Bigfoot Researcher: Don Monroe

As I continue to share some Bigfoot researchers I really respect, one comes to mind immediately - Don Monroe.  Don makes Indiana Jones seem like a wannabe. Let me explain why. 

Don has been easily 4 decades into research and about 6 decades into world travel. He is a mountain man at heart who knows how to hunt, track, kill, prepare, and live off the land. He is out in nature in mountainous terrain easily 85% of his waking time. He has traveled the world and learned from Native People around the globe as well as searching the Yowie in Australia.

This researcher is a lone independent powerhouse of curiosity and knowledge. He has vast knowledge about life and nature and reverence for all people, but also a special place in his heart for the First Nations people. He is also so well read and studied that I find very little he cannot quote and recall meticulously.

Some of the things he's brought to research have shocked in amazed, like the giant handprint in Lovelock cave that he and MK Davis discovered, a 24-inch foot casting, and the hand of unknown origin. As much as he researches, the more he finds, the more questions he has.

Don is as rugged and studied, experienced and knowledgeable as anyone I have ever known. I am proud to have him a colleague and pleased to call him a dear friend, as well. 

from Ghost Hunting Theories

Leicester ghost hunters

We are a group of paranormal researchers and investigators who specialise in investigations, house blessings and exorcispic2

from Ghostwatch - Paranormal Reports

Looking Back at 'Intruders' - Mysterious Universe

Robbie Graham leads off this trio of Mysterious Universe articles with a thoughtful piece on the early portrayal of UFO abductions, particularly in the 1992 miniseries Intruders. Nick Redfern contributes a piece on three UFO Novels That Might Be More Than Novels. Nick is particularly taken by what factual information may lie behind The Ogden Enigma, a 1980 work about a 1950 UFO crash-retrieval, and suggests "just maybe there is still more to be found" regarding this story. Nick's Green Fireballs: Mystery From Above has some eyebrow-raising passages from military sources on things that, while fully acknowledged as real, remain unexplained 70 years later. (WM)

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The Experimental Evidence For Parapsychological Phenomena: A Review. - APA PsychNET

Etzel Cardeña has accomplished something that few would think possible--getting an article on the evidence for psychic phenomena published in the American Psychologist, the flagship journal of the American Psychological Association. Yes, there is a paywall here, but at least you can read the abstract. Over at The Paracast, Gene and guest cohost Goggs Mackay interview our favorite para-anthropologist, Jack Hunter, author of the newly published book Engaging the Anomalous: Collected Essays on Anthropology, the Paranormal, Mediumship, and Extraordinary Experience, where he poses serious questions about consciousness, experience, spirits, mediumship, psi, and the nature of reality. Hunter discusses his personal experiences and encounters with mediums, as well as makes suggestions as to how various paranormal phenomena might somehow be connected, including UFOs. (PH)

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Documents Reveal U.S. Military’s Interest in Dark Energy and Other Dimensions - Mysterious Universe

Brett Tingley is out in fine form, warning us to hedge all bets and make peace with whatever greater being we call Master. The US government wants to learn more about what's Out There, and considering what we already know about the consequences of messing with other dimensions (No Walter! You can't take the boy back to your own side!), there's no way it could possibly end well. Not that Tingley is known to be an optimist, but we'd rather be on the Cosmic Entity's good side, if you know what we mean. But back to the present--and the past...Alleged Victims of MKUltra Brainwashing Launch Class-Action Lawsuit. Documents detailing the illegal and immoral mind control project were apparently misfiled among accounting records. (More like hidden--no self respecting bookkeeper would grab a research file and stuff it in with the bank rec's and year ends.) The paperwork points to a McGill University professor who liked to experiment on his psych patients, their mental unraveling be damned. No word on how Canada, or specifically Quebec, feels about their nefarious citizen, but we're pretty sure "sorry" won't cut it. (CM)

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New Research on the Theory that Octopuses are Aliens - Mysterious Universe

Recent articles suggest that octopuses might hearken back to a truly alien invasive species. This theory is one of three foci in a scientific paper about what caused the "Cambrian Explosion"--which Paul Seaburn explains is "the mysterious point in Earth's history when single-cell organisms were suddenly overshadowed by complex animals." Paul presents pros and cons for the octopus conjecture, with a picture representing an uncomfortable possible implication. Are Owls Alien Messengers, asks Jim Harold in a Paranormal Podcast dialogue with guest Mike Clelland. Clelland thinks maybe so, but doesn't believe that they're necessarily working for ETs driving around in a metal spaceship. Refreshingly, Mike is frank about his subjectivity on the whole matter. But as the author of two books on owls, UFOs, and synchronicity, Clelland has worked to integrate his findings with mythic research and speculations about consciousness, and tells a good story, or several. UFO Underground No. 1: A Genetic Marker Has Been Identified That Predicts UFO Encounters and Psychic Ability states as fact a series of claims which lack hard corroborative data. Of course, given the fascinating but "dark" topic, speculation and extrapolation from known scraps to weave a narrative is what Rosemary Ellen Guiley has had to do here, and it is up to the reader to judge its persuasiveness. (WM)

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The wild power of paranormal romance: Why readers miss these stories when they fall out of popularity - Hypable


The wild power of paranormal romance: Why readers miss these stories when they fall out of popularity
Paranormal romance may not be the most popular sub-genre right now, but that doesn't mean that it's out of readers minds. New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Nalini Singh dissects what makes paranormal romance so great, and why readers ...

from paranormal - Google News

PHOTOS: Unique New Jersey shopping -

PHOTOS: Unique New Jersey shopping
A display case filled with property that once belonged to Dr. James Killian was included in a 2009 Jersey Devil exhibit at the Paranormal Museum at Paranormal Books and Curiosities in Asbury Park. ~File photo. T-shirts on sale at Paranormal Books and ...

from paranormal - Google News

Paranormal for Norfolk? New group investigates spiritual activity - Great Yarmouth Mercury

Great Yarmouth Mercury

Paranormal for Norfolk? New group investigates spiritual activity
Great Yarmouth Mercury
The 53-year-old founded Paranormal Norfolk in March and the team has already carried out searches for spiritual activity at Britannia Pier and St Mary's Church in East Somerton. Mr Nicholls, a carer from Gorleston, has been interested in paranormal ...

from paranormal - Google News

Empaths Are Rare But Empathic Pathwalkers Are The Rarest Of Them All

As you now know the true definition of what an Empath is now and not the bollocks floating around social media I want to make this clear to people. I don’t train anyone anymore. I guide Empaths and train Empathic … Continue reading

from Spirits and The Paranormal, Don't Be Afraid.

Something Is Happening To My Body

Coz like…..I don’t do anything to them but my scars are vanishing. I had three major life saving hernia operations between 2010-2012 and two C Sections between 2009-2010. So 5 operations. My first two hernia ops were Umbilical hernias and … Continue reading

from Spirits and The Paranormal, Don't Be Afraid.

The Terror of Thunderstorms

Thunderstorms occur in most places around the world, but they have been known to elicit some very primal reactions. Have you ever been in your home when lightning flashes and thunder cracks at the same moment, the house and you shaking simultaneously? Let's have a look at the dark side of thunderstorms - 

Astraphobia, also known as astrapophobia, brontophobia, keraunophobia, or tonitrophobia is an abnormal fear of thunder and lightning, a type of specific phobia. It is a treatable phobia that both humans and animals can develop.

I remember as a kid, my father telling me that thunder was just the angels bowling. In a few minutes outside during a storm, I listened carefully as one rolling thunder sounder and my father cocked his ear and said, "oh, that sounds like a gutter ball." When a thunder made a loud crack, he would clap his hands and cheer, "strike!" That one amazing moment of parental guidance forever changed what was a fear of thunderstorms to a feeling of comfort. To this day, I love sleeping with a thunderstorm crashing away outside, I feel very safe and content.

(LINKThunderstorms are caused when moisture from the lower or mid-level part of the atmosphere mixes with warm, unstable air from the ground. Moisture and air then push upwards into the higher atmosphere to form clouds that produce thunder and lightning, as well as potential precipitation. Spring, summer and fall are most conducive to thunderstorms because the sun heats the ground and moisture is more perceptible in the air, especially in humid climates.

Lightning accounted for 23 fatalities, 145 injuries and $23.9 million in property damage.

Very real dangers aside, some of the most amazing photography has occurred during thunderstorms.

Here's a LINK to instructions on how to photograph lightning. 

During a very active monsoon storm, I took this picture (above) with my cell phone. I just clicked constantly until one frame managed to capture it lit. 

Here's some movies that will get you in a thunderstorm mood - 

Friday the 13th
The Covenant
Jurassic Park
Sleepy Hollow
The Perfect Storm
Cape Fear
Cold Creek Manor
Romancing the Stone

I find the sounds of thunderstorms comforting and I do a lot of horror writing, so I will play one of these soundtracks while I work, sometimes for when I'm falling asleep. 

Here is a video (below) of some thunderstorm horror stories to further the mood. 

The most lightning in the world occurs at 158 strikes per 1 square kilometer at Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela.

from Ghost Hunting Theories

Tuesday 29 May 2018

I'm on the Radio Tonight!

Tonight at 8 pm EST/7 pm CST/5 pm PST, I'm on
Night Dreams Talk Radio a Paranormal live show to talk about the para subjects! 

I hope y'all give it a listen. 

from Ghost Hunting Theories

... With Bog Nuts Moving In From The East - Fortean Ireland

Ah, pennies from heaven. And honey. And berries. And fish. It seems late 19th and early 20th century Ireland had all manner of things falling from the sky, not all of them worth gathering in a basket and taking through the woods to Grandma's house. Still, it would never be boring and not that difficult to remember an umbrella before leaving the house. On a much darker note, Nick Redfern discusses A Diary of the Damned, a document attesting to the fact that the more you look into the paranormal, the more the paranormal looks back at you. While that sounds like a fun idea, take a look at the sorts of phenomena Redfern is drawn to, and then ask yourself if you're feeling lucky. (CM)

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The Farmer Who Traveled 800,000,000 Miles - Bizarre and Grotesque

These four articles highlight different personal results from encountering the UFO phenomenon. Tristan Shaw tells a hilarious story about 1950s contactee-claimant Buck Nelson, whose UFO convention literature even made its way into the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library archives. Shaw also gives us the darkest of sides to the human/UFO phenomenon dynamic in The Terrassa Double Suicide. Could the two men actually have believed their deaths would send them to their friends on Jupiter? Nick Redfern relates a series of Alien Abductions and High Strangeness encounters which fortunately didn't end with the decease of the witness. Yet, according to Nick, the stories "demonstrate the sheer level of weirdness that surrounds the UFO phenomenon." And in Special Cases--The Long Island File (87): Denouement (Not Yet) "John's record becomes even more nightmarish," says the late John Keel's friend Doug Skinner, whose site provides us with these passages from Keel's journals. We have the female alien/android Agar vomiting after Men in Black tried to visit her and contactee Jaye Paro, then "playfully" starting to strangle Jaye, trying to set fire to the curtains, and tying Jaye to a chair and dancing around her. And it gets worse. (WM)

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Mysterious People with Real Mutant Superpowers - Mysterious Universe

Brent Swancer reports on those for whom life may have served up lemons and in response they didn't just make lemonade, they made medical history. Truthfully, none of it was anything they could have planned, but the individuals profiled in this piece will have you wondering if there are any real limits to what we can do. We're sure they didn't initially think their challenges were gifts, but the final outcomes certainly warranted notice. Next, Brett Tingley reports on a study done using metadata where Neuroscientists Uncover ‘Proof’ of Human Precognition. Researchers will not go so far as to call their findings actual evidence of "precognition," but they are willing to go out on a limb and suggest that "predictive anticipatory activity" is real. Guys, if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck--just admit it's a duck...(CM)

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Flying Saucers: The Role of Science Fiction and the Occult in the Birth of the UFO Era - Daily Grail

Three links dealing with the collision of UFOs and belief. The headline piece is a speculative look at "an oddly closely-knit group of men from the science fiction and occult communities who, through accident or design, managed to conjure the flying saucers into existence." This article by "The Emperor" suggests an evolution in thought from Theosophy's Ascended Masters to ETs in space ships, as people like sci-fi magazine editor Ray Palmer grafted their own esoteric beliefs onto the initial "flying saucer" reports. But "the Emperor" allows that Palmer might have been "more driven by Fun and Profit" than were the other interesting characters in this article. Palmer figures in the hoax that made Capt. William Davidson & Lt. Frank Brown, 1st Casualties of Ufology. Curt Collins tells the tragic 1947 story, which even today claims adherents as being more than a mere fraud--perhaps even being a conspiracy. The willingness of some in the UFO field to believe is reflected in Catholic UFOs?. University of North Carolina-Wilmington Professor Diana Walsh Pasulka discusses "the fusing of traditional Catholic events, paintings, and material culture with the belief in UFOs and extraterrestrials." This is part of a wider movement to combine "Ancient Astronauts" beliefs with "a new form of religiosity." (WM)

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Dead mother gives birth inside coffin

This bizarre occurrence took place in Toronto, Canada. Some believe, that this is nothing short of a miracle. After 23 hours, a premature 5 pound baby was born from the corpse of her dead mother. Cemetery workers heard sounds coming from the coffin, as they were lowering it into the grave plot. This happened about... Read Article →

The post Dead mother gives birth inside coffin appeared first on Freak Lore.

from Freak Lore

Ghost Hunts USA Secures Dates For Private Paranormal Investigation Of the RMS Queen Mary - PR Newswire (press release)

Ghost Hunts USA Secures Dates For Private Paranormal Investigation Of the RMS Queen Mary
PR Newswire (press release)
PRINCETON, N.J., May 23, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Ghost Hunts USA, the largest operator of paranormal investigation and ghost hunting events in the United States, today announced the launch of two exclusive investigation dates aboard America's most ...

from paranormal - Google News

Gallows Lane, The Saga Continues.

So yesterday everything was wonderful. I spring cleaned my homes. I washed walls, scrubbed floors, my house is sparkling clean. I needed to go for a walk because the Boss said we needed to talk but I need to be … Continue reading

from Spirits and The Paranormal, Don't Be Afraid.

Ready for a scare? Paranormal Cirque promises amusement, fear -

Ready for a scare? Paranormal Cirque promises amusement, fear
PALMETTO, Fla. -- Paranormal Cirque, a mixture of traditional circus arts, horror theatre and cabaret is preparing for opening night June 7 under the red and black top. The show promises a "mixture of emotions," ranging from amusement and surprise to fear.

from paranormal - Google News

Listen to original paranormal stories at this horror-special event in Bandra - Mid-Day


Listen to original paranormal stories at this horror-special event in Bandra
If paranormal stories with a contemporary feel are what you think will change the game, get a glimpse of it at Fright Night. An evening of horror stories and theme games, one of its highlights includes the narration of excerpts from the new horror ...

from paranormal - Google News

"Expedition Unknown" New season Tonight on Travel Channel!

Tonight on Travel Channel, Josh Gates takes us back out on the exciting treks that are "Expedition Unknown." Thank you Josh and Travel Channel - we love you both!

from Ghost Hunting Theories

Monday 28 May 2018

The FBI Begins Investigating Unexplained Mystery Booms - Mysterious Universe

It takes a while to make the authorities pay attention sometimes, but eventually they come around--especially if the ground starts shaking.  The FBI is finally investigating the cause of strange booms heard along the eastern seaboard but, as Brett Tingley points out, we shouldn't hold our collective breath waiting for them to tell us what they find. Whether they're seismic events, a secret military project, or an otherworldly zombie apocalypse, the Feds aren't known for transparency. PA Becomes Latest Location to be Baffled by Mystery Booms. This explosive phenomenon seems to be traveling across the country, with no particular area immune to the cacophony or tremors. Kind of make us want to call Kevin Bacon and ask him what sand worms sound like...(CM)

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UFOlogy Has Been A Big Scam: What They Never Wanted To Tell You About UFOs - The UFO Trail

Jose Antonio Caravaca's new post is a frontal assault on "The obsessive and omnipresent concern of ufologists to show that UFO sightings are produced by the visit to our planet of extraterrestrial beings." While this assumption itself is subject to debate, Caravaca's "external agent" is only a postulate and still imperfectly understood by many UFOlogists. But he does list seven thoughtful insights into the UFO phenomenon that are worthy of discussion. Caravaca's theory is a strong attempt to understand UFOs and other anomalous phenomena comprehensively. (WM)

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DIA: No Docs on NIDS - The UFO Trail

Jack Brewer reports on the lack of success in uncovering government information about Robert Bigelow's National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS). Brewer also brings up continuing questions on the recently-published "Statement from a Senior Manager of BAASS [Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies]" and links to John Greenewald's many questions about the "Tic Tac UFO Executive Report" also disseminated through Las Vegas' CBS Channel 8. It seems that matters secondary to an assessment of just what is occurring in our skies have taken over the narrative. Nick Redfern has three posts dealing with related matters between governments and the public. In "A Factual Object of Very Unusual Nature" Nick makes the point that successful Freedom of Information Act requests and government declassified releases have provided some highly significant cases. Nick's case in point here is a 1953 Washington State report. In UFOs: When Governments Come Clean/ Nick gives three outstanding British instances. But Nick also considers when governments seek out information about those who benefit from theirs, asking the question How Closely are Ufologists Watched by Government Agencies?. Here Nick lists both British and American examples of such government interest, including the rather admiring CIA report on the 1950s activities of the Civilian Saucer Investigation organization in California. (WM)

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Ghost Sightings at the Royal Wedding? - Mysterious Universe

Apparently romance and royalty wasn't enough for some viewers last weekend watching the nuptials between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. It seems folks were also watching for signs of the late Princess Diana's presence, which was something a few psychics thought they could establish a career predicting. We'll let you read the article, and then you can just shake your head along with us. Sometimes we really do need to just enjoy what's right in front of us, instead of looking for more. But if you really want something spooky, did this Police Station CCTV Films Ghost? Serbian police caught this strange image on camera and have been pondering its source ever since. Confession time: We started watching the video thinking, "Bugs or bad lighting." Then we nearly jumped out of our skin--not that the image was frightening, but it was rather unsettling and the movements of whatever it is on camera were odd. Still think it might be a bug though. (CM)

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Bigfoot Researchers: Fred Kanney and Connie Fox

I'd like to start showcasing some researchers I admire a great deal in the field of Bigfoot research. Today, I'd like to talk about Fred Kanney and Connie Fox out of my home state of Virginia.

FACEBOOK PAGE:  VA Mountains Bigfoot Research

Freddie and Connie are a most thorough team. They know the mountains of Virginia and they spend long periods of time in areas to the clans around them to be more open, to come and go without threat. This allows them innumerable encounters.

In this video below, a still shot captured something interesting when Fred panned his camera and came back to a spot. This is a practice he does often which I encourage - pan the camera slowly 180 degrees, pan it back. When you take the time on your computer at home, you will see what changed in that vista when you panned one way and then the other. They often peek from behind a tree, or step back behind the tree when you aren't looking. This is the most common way to see one.

This fellow above was doing as Bigfoot do, standing still so they are part of the forest and you don't see them. The only thing this auburn guy didn't account for was the wind lifting his hair - 

As you watch their videos on their Facebook site and the ones Fred has on his YouTube channel, you get a good understanding of some extraordinary interactions done by being nonintrusive and respectful cohabitators. They know which areas are off limits and possible "nurseries" and which areas they hunt. This awareness and consideration does much to earn respect over time.

Fred will show every detail of his tracking and every clue the forest gives so that the viewer can be better educated. He also utilizes Native language as this has the best response. 

I hope that you enjoy their discussions and shares. They are very open about sharing information, something that is so rarely seen these days! 

**Don't miss Fred on Vegas Supernatural June 4th! (below) 

from Ghost Hunting Theories

What It's Really Like To Be A Female Ghost Hunter - Refinery29


What It's Really Like To Be A Female Ghost Hunter
From the original Ghostbusters film to Supernatural to Ghost Adventures, pop culture would have us believe that paranormal investigators are always and only men. But a real-life team of women ghost hunters has been working steadily in the American ...

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