Thursday 31 May 2018

I need some help folks.

Hey there everyone so I have a problem. I have been seeing a dark shadow as well as two other entities for a few weeks now and I need some help. Let's start out with the mean one. So, I was over at my crushes apt and we were having a good time. We were cuddling and stuff In the dark. She got up to use the bathroom and when she came back she had a complete 180 in personality. She seemed distant and mean but also distraught. I was about to leave when I asked her what's going on but she just clutched her head and began muttering a bit to her self. I tried helping her but I seemed like she was gone. Now after a bit she started making gasping/gurgling noises while rocking gently. After a while of me trying to talk to her and comfort her, she fell forward on the bed face down grinding her teeth and growling at me. That's when I looked up and saw it. There was a very large black mass standing at the foot of her bed looking at us and almost ready hung out to her. I could feel just pure hate and sadness within the room now and thinking back, I still feel it but also fear. At the time I did not feel such fear. Eventually she somewhat returned to a healthy state and I left. As I write this, I can see it in the corner of my room and I can feel it hating me. I dont know what this thing is but i have also seen it in my dreams. I need help as to what this thing is. I dont care about my safety, I care about hers more then anything so please, help me. If it helps, it was a full moon and storming when this all happened. Im mostly wondering what should I do to help her as well as myself. Thank you and sorry for poor grammar, new phone and getting used to it.

submitted by /u/p38light
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from Paranormal

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