Wednesday 30 May 2018

New Research on the Theory that Octopuses are Aliens - Mysterious Universe

Recent articles suggest that octopuses might hearken back to a truly alien invasive species. This theory is one of three foci in a scientific paper about what caused the "Cambrian Explosion"--which Paul Seaburn explains is "the mysterious point in Earth's history when single-cell organisms were suddenly overshadowed by complex animals." Paul presents pros and cons for the octopus conjecture, with a picture representing an uncomfortable possible implication. Are Owls Alien Messengers, asks Jim Harold in a Paranormal Podcast dialogue with guest Mike Clelland. Clelland thinks maybe so, but doesn't believe that they're necessarily working for ETs driving around in a metal spaceship. Refreshingly, Mike is frank about his subjectivity on the whole matter. But as the author of two books on owls, UFOs, and synchronicity, Clelland has worked to integrate his findings with mythic research and speculations about consciousness, and tells a good story, or several. UFO Underground No. 1: A Genetic Marker Has Been Identified That Predicts UFO Encounters and Psychic Ability states as fact a series of claims which lack hard corroborative data. Of course, given the fascinating but "dark" topic, speculation and extrapolation from known scraps to weave a narrative is what Rosemary Ellen Guiley has had to do here, and it is up to the reader to judge its persuasiveness. (WM)

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