Thursday 31 May 2018

I heard voices last night

Hello! This is my first time posting. I work as a security guard, so sometimes I work fairly late.

Last night was no different. At about one am, I was locking a building and felt like I was being watched. For context, the building is by a highway, and a very leafy and full treeline. It's not a large area of trees but they are tall and full, and it has a lot of trees.

I finished locking the building and was preparing to get in my car, and the feeling of being watched changed to the feeling of an immanent attack. Around that time, I heard voices. They sounded like they were from the Treeline.

Inherently, I could tell they weren't human (or at least didn't seem human)

I've had several odd experiences, working as a guard, as well as a house that was infested with shadow people when I was young (7-13), and a few odd experiences throughout my life, here and there.

If anyone knows what it was I may have been experiencing last night I'd appreciate it because I'm curious. It was a full moon last night, I believe. Or at least, the moon was very big. I didn't hang around after the voices. My shift was over and I was out of there.

submitted by /u/mike5201
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from Paranormal

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