Friday 16 September 2022

Chris Mellon: Aliens Have Landed and Contacted Witnesses - Jason Colavito Blog

Headlines showing how various online sources interpret and add their own context to shape UFO News. Jason Colavito responds to statements by Christopher Mellon and Luis Elizondo here, criticizing them for beliefs that "rest on the same body of archaic lore that failed to convince three generations of scientists." For another, rather strange amplification of that former AATIP head's assertions see Luis Elizondo: "Earth Is A Zoo Ruled By Aliens.". Then Colavito turns his gaze to Colm Kelleher in The Week in UFOs: Hunting Space Aliens Takes a Spiritual Turn. Colavito reacts to Kelleher's recent articlein EdgeScience 50 that freaked out Billy Cox in our September 13th reviews. Jason then turns to "our foremost public advocate of cosmic intellectual masochism" Avi Loeb, whose "mechanical immortality is cut from the same cloth, albeit in an inverted way." Let Colavito explain it. And Caitlin Johnstone may even "out-Colavito" Colavito in her Who Benefits From US Government Claims That The UFO Threat Is Increasing 'Exponentially'?. (WM)

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