Friday 16 September 2022

UFOs in the Icelandic Sagas - Medievalists

Influenced by the recent respectability of UAP, and certain of financial funding for the near future, Dr. Yoav Tirosh tries to fuse the History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" and "Vikings." A half-hour video accompanying this essay features a man walking and relating stories from the Icelandic sagas while looking somewhat chill and windblown. Not sure Tirosh has proved his point, but those who've seen the rather chilling Icelandic crime/folkloric TV drama Katla might be minded of its harsh yet strangely beautiful vistas. Moving rather closer in time, Fox News' Abby Hornacek offers a Man Claims He Encountered Aliens in the 1950s. The short interview tells the story of George Van Tassel's Integratron, promos a new TV series, and contains photos we hadn't seen. A whole video new to us has Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean asserting in Cosmic Top Secret 1964: We Are Being Surveyed by High Technology Extraterrestrial Cultures. The late Dean was another interesting and controversial figure in UFO history. And Katie Wermus brings us up-to-date with Mysterious UFOs: A Look at Sightings in Minnesota. Beginning with Deputy Val Johnson's literal "run-in" with a UFO, the article cites Peter Davenport and his National UFO Reporting Center, Joe Simonton's 1961 "alien pancakes," and a set of lesser-known puzzlers. (WM)

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