Thursday 18 March 2021

UFO Seen by Many in Siberia Over the Infamous 'Road of Bones' - Mysterious Universe

What was it that coursed over a frozen human outpost on March 12th? Paul Seaburn has the story and two back-stories. One is the several explanations for the phenomenon. The other is the place in that frigid land that was overflown, and its history of human inhumanity. That story has us reflecting when we read Luis Burgos' Charred Aliens in Argentina? When the Dead No Longer Speak. Here again, the UFO stories that are related themselves possess great interest, but beneath the plain details of some of the cases Burgos traces the formation of accretions that distort the originals out of all recognition or use, except for "more UFO congresses, conferences, forums, etc." Kevin Randle attempts to tackle this sort of "additive entropy" in Phoenix Lights, Triangular UFO Version. Kevin believes he's teased out the "signal" from all the "noise" regarding the March 13, 1997 events. Or, as he puts it, "the sightings of the large, V-shaped craft...have been lost in the glare of the flares and the discussion of the Phoenix Lights." Speaking of possible red herrings, Nick Redfern offers up the late Philp Corso's Roswell entity theory and asks Aliens and Time Travelers: Could They be One and the Same? Given the foregoing difficulties for comprehending individual cases, one may ask regarding the larger study "Why bother?" What's the Point/purpose of a UFO Explanation? Rich Reynolds argues that UFOs, more than Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster or maybe even ghosts, have the greatest likelihood of informing us about "Life, the Universe, and Everything." (WM)

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