Thursday 18 March 2021

Trey Hudson Interview - The Paracast

Gene Steinberg and Randall Murphy welcome the author of The Meadow Project: Explorations into the South's Skinwalker Ranch for a discussion of what's behind that audacious title. Hudson emphasizes the quality of the researchers as well as the "High Strangeness" of what they've encountered since their 2016 discovery that the "high meadow" (location not publicized) is seemingly anomalous. Some of the phenomena sound rather like that covered in Tobias and Emily Waylands' Man Claims "UFO Came Out of a Portal" over Lancashire, England. The Waylands note an impossibility regarding Venus in the witness testimony, and it's unclear why the odd thing necessarily "came out of a portal," but it is a peculiar event. Strange, too, is A Weird Flying Saucer Account, That May Mean Something. Rich Reynolds relates how in 1953 four people saw a "shape-shifting" UFO that performed rather like the Lancashire oddity. (WM)

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