Friday 12 March 2021

Oklahoma Bigfoot Bounty Soars to Over $2 Million for First to Capture Sasquatch - Coast to Coast AM

A state lawmaker for Oklahoma is getting some attention recently for posting a $2 million bounty for a living Bigfoot specimen. Turns out tracking permits are easier to obtain than hunting permits, so it's not as if the government has suddenly given Bigfot the status of sentient being. How many.of these "trackers" do you suppose will ask themselves any of the bigger questions that come up around Sasquatch? Why Do So Many Bigfoot Researchers Ignore the Paranormal Side of the Mystery? Most likely because it's much, much easier to tell your friends and family you encountered something "big and hairy and so tall it must have been walking around on its hind legs," than it is to explain cloaking, orbs, mindspeak, and portals. One will bring you offers of drinks. The other will bring assurance that your name will always be spoken amid chuckles and eye rolls. Those who have experienced the full extent of the hairy high strangeness have little desire to discuss it with the world. Bigfoot, Interdimensional Portals, and Childhood Monsters รข€” Part Six offers a rare glimpse into the world of someone who has experienced the strangest and most frightening the Sasquatch subject has to offer--so far. The author of this report was there when the portal opened at the Southern Oregon Bigfoot Habituation site in 2014. He saw what emerged, and he recognized it from his past. The implications are chilling. (CM)

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