Friday 12 March 2021

When "Alien Abductees" are Secretly Followed, Watched and Much More - Mysterious Universe

Three very disturbing pieces from Nick Redfern, featuring aspects of the UFO abduction phenomenon. First up: the reports that many abductions by ETs are followed by human harassment, up to and including abductions. Nick also is Looking at the Alien-Human "Hybrid" Controversy. He speculates about the "bonding" that some female abductees report being expected to do with apparent human/alien infants. Nick moves to concerns that human technological reproductive developments could eventually result in our race being "reduced to nothing but cold, emotionless entities--in fact, just like the Grays." And in Taking a Look at Mysteries of the Bloody Kind, Nick notes a Mike Clelland report that "according to some researchers, 54% of UFO abductees have the Rh Negative factor." If that's not enough, Nick then branches off into several other areas and cases that are "bloody frightening!" (WM)

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