Friday 12 March 2021

Harvard Psychiatrist Brought Credibility to Alien Abduction Research - Mystery Wire

Almost certainly the most intense, perhaps core, aspect of ufology is the individual's confrontation with the Other, however that is perceived. George Knapp and Duncan Phenix take us back to one man's crusade, recently chronicled in Ralph Blumenthal's The Believer: Alien Encounters, Hard Science, and the Passion of John Mack. Mack studied the experiences of those who claimed ET encounters and, as the embedded Blumenthal interview notes, experimented with psychedelic substances. Using those while "literally trying to get abducted by aliens" forms part of the story Contact at La Chorrera: A 50th Anniversary Retrospective on the Shamanic Experiment that Changed the World. Miguel ("Red Pill Junkie") Romero relates the tale of brothers Terence and Dennis McKenna, distinguishing their narrative from those of the "classic" early contactees. And a larger group's history is again in the news as The Raelians Return to the Spotlight in New Documentary. George Knapp and Duncan Phenix link to the Vice offering and supply some of their own materials on "The world's largest UFO Religion." (WM)

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