Thursday 4 February 2021

Suspense Novelist Michael Prescott Explores the Non-Fiction of Life After Death - White Crow

Author Michael Prescott is well known for the consistent presence of his suspense novels on the NYT bestsellers list. In his parallel writing life, Prescott has been researching the subject of life after death for the past two decades, culminating in the newly released The Far Horizon: Perspectives on Life Beyond Death published by White Crow Books. He explains in this interview how he navigated the chasm created by such a genre shift, and the resulting challenges and doubts presented by such a move. And while Prescott delves deeper into NDEs, Researchers Explore What Makes Clairaudient Spirit Mediums Different. "Different from whom?" you may ask. Different from those who hear voices and do not find it a pleasant, safe, or spiritual experience. Clairaudient mediums tend to have a common history of early onset "voices" which they perceived as positive experiences and which they learned to control as they matured. It's this control that has the attention of researchers, and how it might be applied in helping those suffering from mental illnesses like schizophrenia. (CM)

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