Thursday 4 February 2021

Dr. Avi Loeb and the Scientific Study of UFOs - Daily Grail

The promoter of 'Oumuamua-as-artificial-space-voyager has cogent things to say about the need to study UFOs, and who should be studying them. Miguel (Red Pill Junkie) Romero introduces a Joe Rogan/Avi Loeb interview snippet, after giving a not-fully-complete characterization of Giordano Bruno's "problem" with "heretical ideas" (see Becky Ferreira's What 'Cosmos' Got Wrong About Giordano Bruno, the Heretic Scientist). "RPJ" queries scientists Chris Rutkowski and Massimo Teodorani about Loeb's approach, and summarizes his respondents' points, including that the open-minded Loeb "should nevertheless get himself more acquainted with the existing literature." David Halperin has consulted much of that, resulting in UFO and the Bible - Rael, Ancient Aliens, Evangelical UFOlogy. These topics figure in an upcoming collaborative learned work to which Halperin himself contributed. Halperin's discussion indicates the chapters are very interesting, though the new compendium itself will be very pricey. (WM)

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