Thursday 4 February 2021

Three Loch Ness Monster Sightings So Far in 2021 - Mysterious Universe

Nessie doesn't seem to be bothered by the current UK lockdown, if January is anything to go by. Jocelyn Le Blanc takes a look at these sightings, which appear to be increasing because "the Loch is virtually watched 24/7," thanks to webcams. Meanwhile, Henry Bauer gets into a bit of a strop over The Loch Ness “Monster�: Its real and important significance, which he feels is of no interest to the press and he takes a swipe at political issues, too. But on a gentler and nostalgic note, Glasgow Boy links us to a new and Interesting Blog on Nessie Postcards, which we hope will soon expand its small, but charming, collection. (LP)

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