Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Revealed: Isaac Newton’s Attempts To Unlock Secret Code Of Pyramids - The Guardian

In the 1680s, the genius mathematical luminary Newton did what many scientists do in times of professional duress and retired to the country to profoundly ponder the arcane mysteries of the universe. Some of his fire-damaged notes from this alchemic era in Newtonian history recently made their way to Sotheby's auction house, and his quest to obtain the mystical cubit key to King Solomon's apocalyptic temple has come to the fore once more. With a mind towards old mysteries resurfacing, here's another headline for the Bermuda Triangle Mystery: Australian Expert Tries To Solve Fate Of 'Lost Flight' After 75 Years. Mind you, quoted Griffith University PhD candidate Shane Mayhem is merely suggesting we don't know what happened to the poor lost members of Flight 19 in 1945 nor should we seek the answer in the paranormal. (MS)

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