Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Pennsylvania's UFO Crash of 1949 - The Saucers that Time Forgot

No, it's not Kecksburg, as Curt Collins explains and links upfront to a series of articles about other fun and little-known crash cases. Besides covering the Laporte, PA hoax, Curt promos and links to a Maurizio Verga pdf "short visual history" of early flying saucer crashes. Well, we know the "traditional" story of the Kecksburg retrieval by the U.S. military, and Kevin Randle has shown there were retrieval programs after Project Blue Book, but Nick Redfern's interested in the present, and asks Does the U.S. Government Have a Project to Recover Crashed UFOs? The answer is likely yes and no, according to Nick, as it depends upon what you mean by the term "UFO." A case where the "UFO" was definitely of the ET variety is the subject of A Strange Alien Encounter in Finland. No crash here, but Brent Swancer tells a strange CEIII tale and explains why it's somewhat controversial (besides just the one alien and flying saucer part). (WM)

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