It's getting noticed that
The War Zone's Tyler Rogoway has been doing original investigating on the Big Story that broke on December 16, 2017. He's at it again, going well beyond the basic headlines to probe What It All May Mean, and it's both fascinating and a bit scary. Leonard David is a little more sedate, telling us that
UFOs Remain Elusive Despite Decades of Study. David notes the 50th anniversary of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), and while he balances MUFON Executive Director Jan Harzan and former British "Fox Mulder" Nick Pope with skeptics Robert Sheaffer and James Oberg, the article is rather respectful. From a modern UFO group to
Mormonism and the UFO Phenomenon we go, courtesy of Rich Reynolds. Rich applies Jose Antonio Caravaca's "Distortion Theory" usefully as part of an effort to understand both Joseph Smith's ET "information" and why he has attracted millions of adherents while ET cult leader Billy Meier has not had similar success. And to consider a group likely tighter than even the Meier followers,
Meet Silicon Valley's UFO Hunters. MJ Banias profiles a subset of the folks populating his new book
UFO People...A Curious Culture, arguing that these "reverse engineering entrepreneurs" outstandingly "make society uncomfortable because they symbolize one of our greatest fears: change." (WM)
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