Thursday, 4 July 2019

Neanderthal Traits in Bigfoot

Many times people point to Neanderthal when describing Bigfoot. There is an assumption there must be a lineage there, although not purebred, as Neanderthal were short fellows. But, there are some interesting comparisons that makes one wonder if Bigfoot carry the DNA of Neanderthal like Europeans, although perhaps at a higher percentage.  Here's just some reasons why -


Wide chest
Shorter legs in proportion to body length compared to us
Wider hips
Prominent brow ridge
Large eyes
Wide nose
Slanted forehead.

The larger eyes of Neanderthal were believed to be because of living in lower lights in the Northern latitudes, higher elevations, forested areas. In fact, their bigger body mass and larger eyes meant more of their brains were devoted to visual and body control performances. (LINK) Bigfoot are reported with very large eyes and doing much of their work at nighttime. 

With more massively built bodies and larger eyes, more of their brain was focused on body control and vision. Those centers of the brains for them were much larger and their talents would lie in keen vision and interpretation as well as athletic prowess and body control (standing still to not be seen).

Neanderthal also had large feet in comparison to height and this might have been necessary for a dense, muscular body to support it or for a mountainous region of adaptation. The average Neanderthal male was 5'4" tall but his feet were 10". Bigfoots' footprints often overwhelm people with their size, but it could be that we should not extrapolate their height to foot ratio like our own. Their feet may have been adapted like Neanderthal to handle a very muscular heavy frame. I put together a foot length to height ratio formula based on Neanderthal's ratio. LINK

24" Sasquatch footprint would be around 156" height (13').

20" Sasquatch footprint would be around 130" height (10'8")

Sasquatch footprint would be around 117" height (9'7-1/2")

16" Sasquatch footprint would be around 104" height (8'6")

14" Sasquatch footprint would be around 91"  height (7'6")

Turbo breathing - Neanderthal could take in twice as much O2 with breathing. LINK 
Bigfoot are often reported to have bursts of uphill climbs and heavy breathing, incredible lung capacity.

I've taken a photo of a reenactment of a Neanderthal man's appearance and added hair.

Perhaps we share an ancestor with the Tall Ones....

from Ghost Hunting Theories

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