Monday 11 February 2019

Saudis Invest Billions to Make 'Haunted' Antiquities Site a Tourist Draw - Haaretz

No matter the problem, there are typically several ways to approach a solution. Here we have two very different ways of dealing with a haunted site, neither of which involve shouting, "G-g--g- ghost!" and running away.  As Saudi Arabia seeks new means to feed its economy, its ancient city of Al-Ula is being prepped to welcome tourists into its 2000 year old stone walls. There's a problem with Jinn, but no malevolent spirits are going to stand in the way of Saudi tourism. That's the spirit. (Get it?) Back in the US, a ghost problem may also be seen as a money maker, but only after everything has been razed to the ground. Haunted Mississippi Hospital Is Being Demolished, leaving behind the perfect location for a new apartments and a shopping mall. Hellooo? Are we the only ones who have seen Ghostbusters? (CM)

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