Monday 11 February 2019

Was There a US$5 Million AATIP Style Department of Defense Study Group between 1983-1985? - Unidentified Aerial Phenomen...

Australian researcher Keith Basterfield says Yes! to the question he poses in his title, and names names supporting that assertion. A key name is that of John B. Alexander, whose "DOD and UFOs Redux" in the Society for Scientific Exploration's EdgeScience 34, June 2018 is a must-read for background. Before AATIP (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program) there was ATP--the Advanced Theoretical Physics project--and Alexander notes cogent similarities between the two efforts. He also provides his personal views on the relationship of UFOs to other paranormal phenomena, and on what is really needed to "move the needle" on studying the whole lot. These matters are further explored in Alexander's book UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities. Speaking of the AATIP reminds of To The Stars...Academy of Arts & Science, and Danny Silva goes behind the comments of a key TTSAAS member in Chris Mellon/Air Force UFO Video. It's a good bit of detective work, and Silva helpfully includes an update by Dr. Bruce Maccabee on the likeliest explanation for the footage. (WM)

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