Thursday 29 November 2018

JOTT. When Things Disappear... and Come Back or Relocate – and Why It Really Happens - Society for Physical Research

Robert A. Charman reviews Mary Rose Barrington's new book, JOTT, published by Anomalist Books, and boy does he like it: "The author... has applied her legal mind to investigating claims of objects that have disappeared and returned, or not returned, or have appeared for the first time, for which there appears to be no normal explanation such as memory lapse, absent mindedness, inadequate searching, third party trickery, deliberate deception, and so on...Barrington has over 180 cases of jott on file, grouped by similarity of occurrence into six categories...A lot of serious thought and much fascinating information has gone into the 190 pages of this book (referenced and indexed) - I strongly recommend it." We bet Dr. Jim Carpenter, who features in this video presentation on Psychotherapy, Apparent ESP, and First Sight Theory would, too. (PH)

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