Thursday 29 November 2018

Argentina: The 2018 UFO Wave is in Full Swing - Inexplicata

Early in January, we noted for the country of Argentina: Luis Burgos Forecasts a UFO-Active 2018. The prediction was based upon Burgos' "Decimal Hypothesis," which suggests "that years ending in 8 are prone to phenomena of this sort." Really. Well, Burgos reports several sightings of various types from this mid-month, with details on two cases. However, we'd particularly like more information on the "daylight sighting of a very strange artifact" on November 16th. Luis is also responsible for Argentina: A "Slowdown" on Mysterious Route 3. This is an attempt to understand rare teleportation incidents and those with "missing time." Three particularly harrowing experiences are covered in detail. Argentina: Allegations of Alien Life in Jujuy [VIDEO] has an interesting story and directs to a pretty but ultimately frustrating video. During the experience, a male voice is heard to suggest a drone, and several viewers agree. One thing that stands out from this article is how certain some of the local UFO investigators like Juan Ocampo are about the origins and purpose of the ambiguous phenomena they report. (WM)

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