Thursday 29 November 2018

"My Belief in Alien UFO is More Credible Than Any Religion Which Was Believed by Others Who Didn't Even See Their God": ...

Today's winner of the longest headline contest has a serious point to make: "Common sense and logic are really not common at all"--not when it comes to religion, nor when it comes to UFOs. Singaporean opposition leader Goh Meng Seng has been heavily criticized for his UFO belief, which was based upon an actual sighting. Jewel Stolarchuk relates a story familiar from American politics. UFO researcher/commentator Rich Reynolds faces the religion issue squarely in Ufology's Proto-Atheists, identifying the latter with leading popular "Ancient Alien/Astronaut" media types. Rich makes several good points. And while many ETH holders find logical ancient extraterrestrial visits to Earth, a thorough knowledge of history, archaeology, and mythology militates against the idea that aliens had a deciding role in human development. But is it silly to believe that Sodom and Gomorrah May Have Been Destroyed by a Meteor? Phillip J. Silvia and more than a dozen other scholars seem to think not, according to Paul Seaburn. Silvia and Steven Collins expressed the quotes in this article connecting this postulated meteor explosion with Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah in a 2015 conference paper; the abstract at least of the recent American Schools of Oriental Research paper is not that specific. But Jordanian Tall el Hammam, site of the dozen seasons of excavations behind the new ASOR paper, is one of the candidates for ancient Sodom. (WM)

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