Thursday 29 September 2022

Young Man Who Posted Video of a Giant Claims to be Stalked by the CIA and Then Mysteriously Dies - Mysterious Universe

You may recall a story we looked at recently of a figure recorded standing atop a mountain in Canada. The witness claimed the figure must surely be a giant—or at least a Bigfoot—and became obsessed with finding out more. Following  purported encounters with authorities, a death notice of what appeared to be the witness was published in the local paper. Anyone can publish a death notice and unless there was a verifiable funeral service we won't be getting ourselves too worked up over a misguided hoax. Since we're talking about people being less than their best, prepare yourself for one heck of a forehead slap when a Man Who Saw Buddhist Deity in the Sky Fights Skeptical Bystander. Evidently this gentleman believed the image he could see in the clouds was that of the Buddhist goddess of mercy and compassion. And he was prepared to exercise extreme malice to defend his vision (or his pareidolia), which is disappointing but not surprising. (CM)

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