Thursday 29 September 2022

Invasion of the Barley Snatchers: Crop Circles Cost Farmers Thousands in Lost Revenue - The Guardian

Those of us who, for many years, have been disgusted with the annual vandalism inflicted on England's vital grain crops will be further inflamed by the statistics in this piece. "I don't believe this rubbish that it's done by aliens," said one farmer, who's among many that are frustrated and out of pocket thanks to the selfish antics of certain Earthlings. And the importance of a Nessie 'Purists' Petition for Webcam Reports to be Stricken from Official Record will depend on one's personal view. Much ire has been created by "a group of Nessie fans dubbed The Falkirk Boys," who reckon that webcam images just aren't good enough and shouldn't be considered "official." No doubt, much debate will ensue from this opinion. (LP)

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