Tuesday 13 September 2022

The True Story of How UFOs Evolved from Science Fiction to a National Security Priority - Grid News

Dan Vergano describes how events since 2017 have shaped today's cultural landscape with ufology as a more-accepted field. The piece lacks contributions from the saner side of UFO-proponents, while Mick West's comments themselves possess varying degrees of knowledge. Vergano's "take" has some value, particularly in German sociologist Andreas Anton's media emphasis. But one also notes that 200 miles away from Anton's Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Professor for Space Technology and Chair of Computer Science VIII Hakan Kayal's Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg is taking UFOs/UAPs quite seriously. Saila Huusko's Why Are Some People Obsessed with UFOs? looks at UFO belief in a more religious sense. Professor Diana Pasulka does note UFO interest is important in Europe and Japan, and attempts to adopt "sociological distance" from the question of UFO-origins. An example of media "overhyping" UFOs is the clickbait-titled Aliens Are 'Demons' Created by Evil Powers to Feed on Human Passions, Say Scholars. The subtitle reinforces this lopsided view of Dr. Paul Thigpen's recent interview and seems not to square with a deceased Orthodox Metropolitan's limiting the discussion to alien abductors. (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/3dfjDnh

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