Tuesday 13 September 2022

From Global Consciousness To Global Apocalypse: Could Putin’s Advisor Anton Vaino Use a Psi Experiment to Justify War?...

It's a familiar theme historically: A dictator/oligarch/madman realizes there's something to all the parapsychological woo and decides to harness it for malevolent purposes. So we shouldn't be surprised that Vladimir Putin is eyeing the possibility of a massive socio-economic shift that would alter the world and generally put an end to the Western way of life. And of course it involves a nefarious mass consciousness experiment. On the topic of ESP, Sean Harribance (1939 - 2022): A Special Blog Entry in His Memory details a series of experiments Harribance participated in with the Psychical Research Foundation  as well as the resultant findings during his 83 years of life. Enjoy, reflect, and store safely away from any meandering KGB agents. (CM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/3qGS2OV

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