Sunday 3 July 2022

The Haunted City - Aeon

Despite the disenchantment of the 21st century and the rise of mechanistic-materialistic atheism, why do people still see ghosts? It runs counter to conventional wisdom, yet Azania Imtiaz Khatri-Patel notes some of these spectral citizens may only reside in our heads in hopes of maintaining our sanity amidst a sterile framework for 'civilization'. Other mysteries aren't so close considering They Found Two New Craters On The Moon And Discovered A New Mystery. There are so many suspects in this case, yet nobody wants to own up as to their culpability. Conspiracy-minded types, you know who you are, will have a field day with 'secret space programs' after checking out the details presented by Kenneth Chang. Wrapping up, there's a synthesis of the themes in the former two links in Tom Metcalfe's latest contribution concerning Secret Andean Passageways which may have been used for rituals involving psychedelics millennia ago. (CS)

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