Sunday 3 July 2022

Objective Reality May Not Exist at All, Quantum Physicists Say - Popular Mechanics

The more we know about quantum physics, the less one understands. Take the double-slit experiment dating from the early 19th century and how it continues to define and redefine quantum physics in the 21st century. Way down in Brazil, they've reimagined the double-slit and the data reinfoces how our world is further from being objective than we'd dare imagine. Could this all be in our heads? Why not? Dr. Thomas Verny takes a moment to contemplate The Quantum Mind with wide ranging topics from near-death experiences to post-materialist science with the evergreen admonition to follow the evidence where ever it may lead us. If that is the case, Is Consciousness The Sort Of Thing That Could Have Evolved? While scientific philosophers like Peter Watts may argue through fiction the answer is no, Michael Egnor looks at both sides of the argument and reframes the question with provocative conclusions. (CS)

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