Thursday 14 July 2022

Murder Suspect Claims Victim Summoned ‘Bigfoot’ To Kill Him - WAFB

A murder case in Oklahoma has taken an unexpected turn. It seems the defendant is claiming he committed the crime because his victim summoned Bigfoot to kill him first. It's tragic because the perp clearly suffered a psychotic break and murdered a friend. And clearly he doesn't realize Bigfoot isn't some flunky you call on to do your dirty work. So far Bigfoot hasn't been called on to testify. Now on to a more pleasant topic: Mythical Peoples of the Pyrenees 1 describes the "hadas" of French folklore, a little people who are "small, but fierce, hairy, wild, quite ugly." Apparently they are the opposite of the British version of the fae, with a staunch refusal to share their nature secrets with humans. Probably for the best. Humans tend to make a mess of everything they touch. (CM) 

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