Thursday 14 July 2022

Is China Studying UAP? - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Scientific Research

A look at the UFOs and Government problem starts with Keith Basterfield's reprising a year-old Chinese article that remains the best/only one "about official Chinese government interest in the topic." How about the "Land Down Under"? See Keith's A 2022 Australian Department of Defence Briefing Paper on UAP. Keith summarizes the results of FOIA'er Grant Lavac's work as "The Australian DOD has no interest in UAP." Moving northwest, Henry Holloway says Russia's Secret UFO Files Reveal Fighter Jet was Buzzed by Strange Lights & 600mph Craft Moving Like 'No Human Aircraft'. Henry's interesting article refers to "Newly uncovered Cold War-era files"; we also know that the Roscosmos' Director confirmed current Russian activity, per our previously-reviewed Newsweek article: Dmitry Rogozin: Aliens Could Have Visited Earth, Russia Investigating UFOs. "Back in the U.S.A.," thanks to John Greenewald we have Captain Scott Chesbrough, Chief of Staff, Office of Naval Intelligence UAP/UFO E-mails. Actually we don't have much besides reference to the Classification Guide on UAP; the stuff is mostly redacted, apparently for "personal privacy" reasons, with "the interest of national defense or foreign policy" running a distant but meaningful second. (WM)

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