Friday 15 July 2022

Malaysian Resort Threatens to Sue Former Guest Over Paranormal Activity Claim - Coast to Coast

Not every crazy sounding spook tale is a hoax or a cry for attention. A Malaysian resort recently threatened a former guest with legal action for claiming on social media that their facility was haunted. Such was the ruckus caused by this threat that the guest deleted her post. However, the resort's loud denials caught the attention of other previous guests who decided to come forth with their own paranormal experiences. Maybe it's time for management to turn the resort into a haunted theme park. Next we have the story of The Headless Horseman of the Nueces, a spectre that first made its appearance in South Texas in the mid 1800s. While it sounded like a ghost or a hallucination brought on by too much time in the sun, efforts to bring it down and stop its reign of terror resulted in a gory truth: The headless horseman was no ghost and neither was his hellish mount. Truth can be stranger than fiction. And smellier, too. (CM)

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