Wednesday 13 July 2022

Georgia Guidestones Destroyed by an Explosion - Daily Grail

Sometimes the background to an anomalous sighting or mysterious object is weirder than the phenomenon itself. Greg Taylor begins with the simple statement "The Georgia Guidestones are no more." Within a few sentences, one begins to feel the ground slipping away. The origins and purpose of this "American Stonehenge" are still somewhat uncertain, but the reactions to their construction and their politicizing (apparently causing their eventual destruction) are ugly, scary, and even at some basic level almost humorous. Demi Perera transports us to the remote past with A Mysterious Cult that Predates Stonehenge. The north-western part of Saudi Arabia may become one of the newest archaeological "hotspots" whose monuments "could change our understanding of prehistory." No small claim about the mustatils, low stone structures of huge expanse and deeper inscrutability. Now Becky Ferreira transports us back to the almost-unfathomable recesses of prehistory, declaring that the 'Cradle of Humankind' Fossils Are 1 Million Years Older Than We Thought, Scientists Say. Ferreira's subheading "Particles from outer space helped refine the age estimates of South African ancestors of humans" frames a fascinating tale, with wide-ranging implications. One such concerns understanding how habitation sites are dated. A chronological adjustment may (possibly) reduce the judged antiquity of a submerged location indicating human activity, per Australia's First Marine Aboriginal Archaeological Site Questioned. A restudy of a two-year-old scholarly paper challenges its assumptions and assertions. (WM)

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