Saturday, 25 June 2022

NASA Discovers Mysterious Balanced Rock On Mars, Igniting Debate Over How It Happened - Miami Herald

Rather than commenting on laughable pareidolia, nor wringing hands over littering on the red planet, Mark Price is just as intrigued over a balanced rock as the unwashed masses. NASA scientists, on the other hand, are studiously ignoring the rock like anything else interesting to humanity. One thing is certain, that rock isn't a meteorite which is interesting considering how Ancient Meteorites Upends Our Ideas Of How Mars Formed. To be brief on Alex Wilkin's treatise many martian volatiles weren't made in-situ, as presumed with Earth, but came from space. An interesting development considering some previous articles suggested martian xenon isotopes came from ancient nuclear explosions. Is it a cover-up, or is the Cydonian hypothesis so much hoo-hah? (CS)

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