Sunday 26 June 2022

I Visited An Ancient Pyramid And Suddenly I Can Speak An 'Alien' Language - New York Post

Article is pretty much what it says on the tin, and Brittany Miller has a bit of fun with one Mafe Walker suddenly claiming to channel aliens after visiting Teotihuacan. Sadly it's not as entertaining as this fella who claims to speak Venusian. If only Ms. Walker took Bryan Walsh's advice to heart, If Aliens Are Calling, Let It Go To Voicemail. The genesis of his essay comes from the aborted announcement from Red China on how 'Sky Eye' picked up an interstellar transmission. If the message was truly from aliens, and humans could translate or decode it, such a message could provide an existential threat via an outside-context problem. But Can We Think Without Language? It seems to work for Mafe, am I right? Barbs aside, Joanna Thompson presents a few interesting ideas about how words aren't necessary for reasoning out the world while providing examples where people think without words. (CS)

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