Thursday 5 May 2022

There Is a One-of-a-Kind Bigfoot Trap in the Forest of Jackson County, Oregon - Boing Boing

Back in 1974 (that's pre-covid, pre-cellphones, pre-internet) someone decided to go outside to play in Jackson County, Florida, and built themselves a Bigfoot Trap. From the photo accompanying this story, it looks like a well-constructed outhouse. (No, 1974 was not pre-indoor plumbing.) While it did not succeed in achieving its purpose, it has stood the test of time and still stands on what is now the Collings Mountain Hiking Trail. In other primate news we have an Interview with Gregory Forth discussing his new book Between Ape and Human. Forth's hypothesis suggests that on the Indonesian island of Flores (home to the discovery of Homo floresiensis, aka Hobbit) there exists a dwarf human/simian species with which the inhabitants coexist. Flores is also home to the world's largest rat species so the "Land of the Lost" vibes are strong there. (CM)

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