Thursday 5 May 2022

'Anomalous' Encounters: The Latest Reports of UFOs Over Connecticut - Patch

Rich Kirby seems unaware that more than just "a British tabloid" recently got Freedom of Information requests satisfied, but informs with a variety of reports from "The Land of Steady Habits." Carlos R. Munoz says that neighboring Rhode Island is not Ready to Talk about UFOs, but Eric Smith is. "The Ocean State" resident Smith volunteers for the National UFO Reporting Center, which is also mentioned in the Connecticut article. Boston Globe staff reporter Munoz notes the Mutual UFO Network's data collecting efforts, current government and private-related initiatives, and some entertaining-to-spooky cases. A Mystified Man in Texas Reports Multiple Sightings of Eerie Orb in Night Sky, and Tim Binnall has the story. "UFO Jane" gives a sound rundown of what can and cannot be inferred from the series of sightings Sal Sanchez has had and sometimes filmed. And Dave Basner has the "skinny" on and footage of a Strange Saucer-Shaped UFO Filmed Near Las Vegas. This one is weird-looking! (WM)

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