Tuesday 1 March 2022

Clas Svahn: Ghost Rockets, Swedish UFO Research and the AFU - A Different Perspective

Kevin Randle interviews one of the world's great ufologists and learns much from Clas Svahn about the Ghost Rockets; for additional information see Clas' chapter in the international collaboration UFOs and Government: A Scientific Inquiry, Michael Swords and Robert Powell, editors, published by Anomalist Books. Clas also updates us all on the quickly-growing collection the Archives for the Unexplained (AFU) maintains, and the relationship between private UFO researchers and the Swedish government. At the end of the week Clas will present at Rice University's Archives of the Impossible international conference; for more information on attending online go to Registration. Kevin mentions his upcoming Roswell book, to examine among other things its "discredited witness" phenomenon. Kevin expands upon this in Witness Video Tapes and EM Effects, refuting the testimonies of Gerald Anderson and Glenn Dennis. Kevin also exchanges views with Rich Reynolds on the significance of vehicle-stoppage electromagnetic UFO cases. Kevin's Repeatability argues that, while UFO sightings are individually unpredictable, in some instances the same out of a plethora of different possible UFO shapes do occur, reliably, multiple times. (WM)

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from THE ANOMALIST https://bit.ly/35qS7PM

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