Friday 27 August 2021

Micah Hanks Interview - The Paracast

Micah Hanks dialogues with Paracasters Gene Steinberg and Randall Murphy on current UFO/UAP topics, with side excursions into Sasquatch and Plant Consciousness. Micah mentions intriguing remarks in the June 25th UAPTF Assessment about the Federal Aviation Administration and UFOs, which he analyzes in The FAA Finally Admits It Documents Reports Of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. That The Debrief article not only sets things straighter about the FAA's UFO interests past and present; its John B. Alexander, Ph.D. conversation shows the FAA reflects the posture of several agencies who "technically participated" in preparation of that ODNI report. Maybe his work on this article plus a rant by Randall Murphy in their Paracast confab has Micah pondering UFOs or UAP? Part of the Current Debate Involves What They Should be Called. Hanks concludes that terminology is of lesser consequence than the tangible presence of these phenomena, whatever their label. And in UFOs May Not be a "Threat," But They Are a Serious Concern for Aviation Hanks agrees with a Leslie Kean The Debrief piece that the challenge UFOs present to science equals or surpasses their "threat" potential. But he then refines "threat" to the human reaction to a UFO event, rather than to a direct danger posed by the Flying Unknowns themselves. (WM)

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