Friday 27 August 2021

Department of Defense "Briefing Card" On Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - The Black Vault

John Greenewald publishes an unclassified "talking points" document he received from the DOD through FOIA request. John notes this illustrates the approved public stance as of May 17th of this year, and that most of the "answers" on the three-page card are informed by previous statements. Nonetheless, it's an interesting "read," especially in its emphases and in its references to other activities. It's also worthwhile to compare it with The New Reality of UFOs: An Interview with Journalist Leslie Kean, offered by Leonard David. Kean concisely describes the past UFO situation and a present climate she helped create. One guardedly hopes her clear view of the needed future prosecution of UFO studies comes to pass. (WM)

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