Thursday 26 August 2021

Incredible Encounters with USOs--Unidentified Submerged Objects - Mysterious Universe

Brent Swancer conducts us on a worldwide tour of UFO-weird. We agree with Brent that USOs merit more attention! Things get possibly even more outlandish with A Truly Surreal Alien Encounter in Germany and Mysterious Encounters and an Alien Contactee in Mexico. While one of these 1981 meet-ups seems a singular event and the other a series, and they are widely separated geographically, they seem to share an odd similarity in their dreamlike quality and a common strangeness in their differing details. The Alien Slayer of the Mysterious Stardust Ranch is just flat-out nearly indescribable, frightening and quirky at the same time. The property may now be off-market, with an interesting current estimated valuation. And Brent finishes with a tale that has just about everything in A Conspiracy, Cover-up, and the Amazing Lost Big Sur UFO Footage. Former Bradley University prof Robert Jacobs' photographic talents resulted in an Atlas rocket test-firing that apparently went very wrong in the presence (and possibly because of) a UFO, unbeknownst to Jacobs until he was presented with his imaging results. (WM)

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