Thursday 22 July 2021

Sagan and the Paleo-SETI Debate: Revisiting the Scientific Search for Ancient Astronauts - Mysterious Universe

Micah Hanks discusses an early interest of Carl Sagan, from which he apparently distanced himself in later years. Hanks suggests "Palaeocontact" still has scientific relevance--some scientists even suggest prospecting for ancient ET "technosignatures" upon other bodies within our solar system. In talking about The UFO Phenomenon: Mysterious and Elusive Photographs Said to be Held by Government Agencies claim Nick Redfern's attention. Factually real or mythically fabulous, the imagery and their stories "are intriguing and fascinating." So are the events of "An Uncanny Energy" - A Personal Account of UFOs, M.I.B. and More which Nick also relates. Susan Sheppard's all-too-brief life was characterized by a dazzling panoply of weird experiences. Magnify these occasions considerably and you have the backdrop to Japan's UFO Mystery Mountain and its UFO Museum and Lab. Providing context to a story Tim Binnall and we had reported on the 16th about a new research facility, Brent Swancer tells how the locals made economic hay out of their experienced strangeness. (WM)

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