Saturday, 29 May 2021

How Harry Reid, a Terrorist Interrogator and the Singer From Blink-182 Took UFOs Mainstream - Politico

A journalist who's been in the thick of the news he's reporting takes his turn at describing the rather-improbable-seeming events leading up to and following his own December 2017 revelations of a "secret" Pentagon UFO study program. Compare the tenor and personal interviews in this piece to Jason Colavito's How Washington Got Hooked on Flying Saucers, which we reviewed on the 24th. Bender does seem to convey a fuller view of the people and actions involved in this remarkable series of events, as well as the underlying background of apparent substance animating their purpose. The Hill opinion contributor and defense and security expert Marik von Rennenkampff amplifies the political angle with Strange Bedfellows: UFOs Are Uniting Trump's Fiercest Critics, Loyalists. Von Rennenkampff then highlights the security implications as Extraordinary Explanations for UFOs Look Increasingly Plausible. He concludes this piece with the pointed "Congress must heed [Luis] Elizondo's call to include academia and the broader scientific community in a 'fair-minded, purposeful, deliberate scientific approach' to investigating these incidents. The stakes are simply too great to ignore them." (WM)

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