Friday, 16 April 2021

Nikola Tesla: 5G Network Could Realise His Dream of Wireless Electricity, A Century After Experiments Failed - The Conve...

As the search for energy efficiency grows ever more desperate, a group of Georgia boffins suggest that 5G might be "adapted to charge or power small devices embedded in cars, homes, workplaces and factories." It's only at the theoretical stage, but if developed might ultimately provide us greedy humans with "a wireless power grid." One to watch, perhaps. And staying with theoretical, but tantalizing possibilities, we find the EmDrive Propulsion Inventor Defiant in Face of Failed Tests. "Told ya so," is the gist of what Roger (not Robert) Shawyer reckons to the results of tests at the University of Dresden, which claim to disprove his idea of thrust without propellant. In fact, he believes the failed tests prove him correct because their design was flawed to begin with, as he advised them four years ago. There's still a long way to go to achieve Shawyer's ambition, but he's by no means discouraged and there may be further news, come May this year. Another one to watch. (LP)

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