Monday 15 March 2021

The Quest for the Mysterious Lost Atlantis of the Far North - Mysterious Universe

An apparent "public relations" effort to secure financing generates a "snipe hunt" with some disastrous consequences. (It's a relief to engage some old Bob Newhart footage in a possibly similar vein at Interview Nightmare.) Maybe we've heard this before, but Ben Turner reports that Scientists Unlock the 'Cosmos' on the Antikythera Mechanism, the World's First Computer. Only this time the claimants apparently aren't waiting for funding and are taking it upon themselves to prove it and build a working model. Something comparable is behind a test that allows us to Hear the Musical Sounds of an 18,000-Year-Old Giant Conch. Lina Zeldovich tells how a team of researchers determined the seashell, uncovered in a Pyrenean cave, wasn't purposed as a drinking cup. They enlisted a professional horn player to confirm the hypothesis. It works! (WM)

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