Monday 15 March 2021

How the DoD is Keeping Tabs on UAP-related FOIA Requests - The Parallax

The results of Marc Cecotti's FOIA request provide insights into goings-on behind the scenes in the Department of Defense handling of the UFO/UAP issue. Adam Kehoe analyzes the document in 'Make No Comment': The Unprincipled Silence of the Department of Defense on UAP. Kehoe especially notes a "secret guideline document" for discussing UAPs and that "the primary issues seems to be avoiding headlines and further FOIA requests." Kehoe suggests a way to "repair" this "stonewalling" communications strategy. But this present "strategy" is actually historical, as evidenced in Doug Marrin's How the Military Cover-UP of the Dexter UFO Incident Led to Greater Government Transparency. Marrin may overrate the impetus for "greater governmental transparency" from the March 1966 Dexter/Hillsdale events and their aftermath. But there are ways to "get the information out." In Hiding a Secret Military Test Behind a UFO Legend, Nick Redfern describes a tactic a former U.K. Ministry of Defence official may have used to hint what the December 1980 Rendlesham Forest Incident really was. Whether one agrees with Nick's own explanation, Ralph Noyes' book reminds this reader of Kevin Day's short 2008 novel The See'r, the fictional narrative concerning the 2004 Nimitz encounters. (WM)

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