Wednesday 3 February 2021

UFO Sighting Clear Shots of the 'Mother Ship' ... On Outskirts of L.A.!!! - TMZ

A splashy TMZ piece promoting an "Alleged UFO Sighting" gained considerable notoriety and now has a likely explanation. This article gives the original claims and the "unsuccessful" efforts of a TMZ "photoshop wiz" to duplicate the images shot on January 23rd. Ufoofinterest responds with Fact Check: The Clear Shots of the Mother Ship on Outskirts Of L.A. Published By TMZ. Scott Brando's most likely correct that the "UFOs" are windshield reflections, and he labels the whole a "hoax promoted by TMZ." Is honest confusion possible here? Regarding another recent sensation, Mark Price's Charlotte Observer piece String of Lights Seen in Sky near Charlotte Sparks UFO Debate. What was It? has the original image and opines a threesome of blue lights in the snapshot was "possibly a trick of light." Allison Jornlin suggests of Strange Lights Spotted Over North Carolina: A Mystery Solved? Allison's identification for the string of lights comes after discussion with the witness/photographer. (WM)

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