Saturday 20 February 2021

Toddlers Filmed Talking to Ghost? - Coast2Coast AM

Who would ever believe 2 year olds would have the resolve to run a long con, or at least follow their parents's orders to act weird as a YouTube prank? What Tim Binnall shares with the world is creepy footage of kids seemingly being kids, except they're interacting with something unseen which all three can apprehend. Don't believe? Well.. in your face! Other experiencers have a more distinguished pedigree, as Nina Zumel relates A Ghost Story From C.G. Jung redolent of sleep paralysis and enough spice to make one wonder about Jung's ordeal. More contemporaneously, the erudite Paul Seaburn notes how Ghosts Alone Can't Keep Dudley's Haunted Station Hotel Open. The owners recently sold the landmark to those who may demolish it, Paul shoulders the responsibility to share tales of its resident spooks so they may endure amidst the rubble. In other news, Martina Moscariello wonders "Is Wardour Castle Haunted? One Carol Earl shares strikingly vivid recollections of the circumstances surrounding a rediscovered photo from fourteen years ago featuring a spectral pensioner in the background. A trick of the light? Learning Photoshop during lockdown? Or might there truly be a ghost haunting this castle during the daytime? (CS)

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