Saturday 20 February 2021

End Of Neanderthals Linked To Flip Of Earth's Magnetic Poles, Study Suggests - The Guardian

What follows in Nicola Davis's article at The Guardian is a bit sketchy based on inconsistent evidence, but Chris Turney and his pals at the University of New South Wales may be onto something. Name-checking neanderthals isn't key to their thesis, but rather the catastrophic effects of a "pole flip" on the planet where the demise of our beetle-browed cousins were merely a punchline. Speaking of cosmic jokes, Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin's quixotic endeavor may be more ridiculous than imagined as Planet Nine Might Be A Giant Illusion, Scientists Say and Michelle Starr explains why selection bias, and maybe a pinch of hubris, suggest Planet Nine is merely an illusion than empirical fact based on new data. (CS)

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