Sunday 21 February 2021

The Mysterious Monster Of Lake Tanganyika - Mysterious Universe

Mokele-mbembe, emela-ntouka, and mbielu-mbielu-mbielu may be the most well-known beasts haunting Africa, but Brent Swancer celebrates Zambia's "The Fishing God" this Sunday. Brent recounts some of the more remarkable sightings, with commentary on their diminishing numbers throughout the years including M. V. Thierfelder's famous description of the beast and her antics. Meanwhile directly from lake monster country, Glasgow Boy analyzes The Long Necks Of 22nd September, 1933 with an eye as keen as the beast's own. If that doesn't scratch your cryptozoolgical itch, Doc Shuker has more than a few words on the subject of Sea Monsters, Dragons, And A Pilot Whale Skull where a schoolboy solved the case of the Durgan Beach monster when others were still lost in the weeds of sea serpents and dragons. (CS)

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